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Emir AKSU's Page
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Welcome to My Page

About Me

Hello! I'm Emir AKSU, and here's a little about me.



  • Developed an iOS application that displays the current and historical daily water levels of dams in Turkey.
  • Utilized MVC architecture and managed data with Firebase.
  • Created the user interface using Programmatic UI methods.
  • Integrated the Charts library to visualize the data with graphs and organized the information using Table View.
  • Managed notifications using One Signal Notifications.


  • Noteor is a comprehensive application that includes features like a To-Do list, calendar, notifications, voice-to-text input, and encryption.
  • Developed under the MVC architecture using Firebase as the database.
  • Combined Custom UI with Programmatic UI techniques to create a user-friendly interface.
  • Integrated AVFoundation for voice-to-text input and used Table View and Collection View to organize content.
  • Adopted a clean and modular coding approach and integrated encryption techniques to ensure data security.
  • Consistently followed evolving iOS technologies to adhere to best practices.
